Rosemary Wood, ND, MS, MLA
The diversity of my knowledge, training and work experience is the second most important thing I have to offer my clients. My educational background ranges from zoology and molecular biology to religion and fine art to medicine. I have studied psychology, philosophy, metaphysics and mythology. A licensed naturopathic physician in private practice for over 10 years, I have also worked in academic research and public horticulture, been a professional counselor and a college-level science instructor. I incorporated astrology into my work in 2013, after 2 decades of passionate study, and in 2019, I became a kundalini yoga teacher. I consider myself an integrator of disciplines, with the breadth to be particularly open-minded and intellectually flexible.
Knowledge and experience are important, but It is my capacity for neutral listening and empathic witnessing that I consider the MOST important thing I can offer my clients. There is nothing glamorous about this. It is the result of more than 2 decades of commitment to personal healing and self-understanding. I had no stunning turning point, no miraculous revelation that makes me special or important. I have, nonetheless, gained a great deal through my dedication and tenacity, which I am most honored to share wholeheartedly with my clients.
Professional education, training, and experience:
1989 B.S. in zoology, cum laude with high honors, Butler University
1990 Indiana University school of medicine
1994 M.S. in molecular biology, Northwestern University
Multiple publications in peer reviewed journals
2001 Art Institute of Chicago
Original paintings in 2 gallery shows
2005 M.L.A in creation spirituality, Naropa University
2010 Doctorate in naturopathic medicine, Bastyr University
Licensed naturopathic physician in Washington state with 10 years in private practice
2019-2021 Kundalini yoga teacher training, Ra Ma Institute of Applied Yogic Sciences
“What I do”
Listen to your human story. I listen with deep curiosity and an open mind, informed by a broad blend of disciplines and perspectives. I listen for patterns and frequencies, word choices and feelings. I listen for the voice of your true self, which is always present, and I advocate for it, so you can reclaim jurisdiction over your own mind and emotions.
Focus on supporting your freedom. What I mean by freedom is a life lived, by and large, without shame, resentment or fear. I do not mean license for irresponsibility, where choices are made without consideration or intention. Genuine freedom means choices are made consciously, with discernment, discipline and a sense of empowerment. Freedom in this sense allows you to take well-informed risks and make real commitments. You can meet the world with passion, authenticity and joy.
I am not a therapist. A therapist’s job Is to help you overcome or ameliorate diagnoses if you have them or suspect you should have them, so you can adapt to the world, which has a necessary place among those things modern humans may need. I want you to know and love your true self.
I am not a coach. Coaching is about solutions and strategies, self-optimization, and “getting out of your own way”. These are all worthy tools adults should use, and it’s good to have help learning and implementing them. I want you to know and fulfill your purpose.
I am not a guru or spiritual teacher. That role has been fulfilled many times by great beings in the past. I AM an experienced witness, fellow traveler, and inspired messenger on the journey of life.
To sum it up, let’s say I’m part Sherpa, part doula, and a little bit Lady of the Lake.